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IFP-HS is the first global center of its kind. It is dedicated to educating and training current and future generations of humanitarian leaders in the areas of human rights, disaster response, humanitarian service delivery, crisis leadership, and other dimensions of humanitarian studies. The Academy will develop evidence-based strategies to help individuals, organizations, families, and populations in times of war, conflict, and disaster.

Our Institute has different programs, which include short courses for humanitarian professionals. There are also simulated and field-based experiential learning opportunities, mentoring and community-building around humanitarian issues. 

Our vision

A world where people have the knowledge and skills to solve global problems.

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 “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Our Mission

Is to help individuals, institutions, and organizations learn so they can make better decisions and take action to solve global problems, through high-quality learning solutions and related knowledge products and services.

Our Values

Humanity –  We believe in a world where everyone is included and treated with dignity. We promote this through inclusionary policies that focus on the value of humanity while also championing each individual’s right to be respected, cared for, or given opportunities at their full potential – no matter what they are looking for!

Impartiality and neutrality –  Our activities are not driven by any institution’s interests, nor do they serve military or political aims in pursuit of a particular religion; instead we follow principles outlined within an international document known as The Code Of Conduct which elaborates some basic guidelines.

Responsibility and transparency – We are committed to transparency and accountability. We provide information about the work that we do, so people can see for themselves how money is being spent – both in terms of results as well as any negative incidents along with plans on turning them into positive ones going forward!

Effectiveness, quality, and creativity – We want to ensure that the assistance or the service we provide is not only efficient but also effective. We recognize minimal standards for humanitarian aid as defined by the Sphere project and strive in achieving quality results with a minimum quantity of possible investments from your budget. We are committed to providing a pragmatic approach that includes maximum effectiveness, the optimum balance between costs & benefits while maintaining innovative creativity throughout all processes involved during our work.

Non-discrimination – We are promoting human rights and dignity for all people. we do not discriminate on the basis of any characteristic, instead, we believe in an equal opportunity .