Program structure

The Future is Calling

Harness your curiosity and learn about the Humanitarian world—and yourself. Through our programs’ curriculums, you’ll discover how to use your passions to build a bright future.

Learning Path

Internships and volunteers Programs

Provides opportunities for students to gain real-world insight into the work of Humanitarian. Practical assignments enhance the educational experience of interns and volunteers, providing them with personal development and better future employment opportunities.

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How to get scholarship in Humanitarian field?

Humanitarian Careers

Humanitarian careers can take many different shapes, but they’re always driven by a desire to improve the world and the lives of other people.

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Humanitarians workers are people doing amazing work with the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Office Of Career Services

The Office Of Career Services (OCS) serves students by educating them on opportunities in Humanitarian Fields and working with students to help them prepare foundational knowledge, internship programs, volunteers programs, and conferences.

It helps students to strategically connect with potential employers and create opportunities for growth.


Related Topics


As an IFP-HS student, you have access to several different advising resources – all here to support your intellectual, personal, and social growth.

IFP-HS Terms and Acronyms

As a Humanitarian student, you may be exposed to the many acronyms, terms, and general lingo that are specific only to the Humanitarian field and also to IFP-HS.

Guide to Student Employment

Finding an internship or volunteer job in the humanitarian field is simple, and the OCS is here to help.

Helpful Links
