Guide to Preparing for Humanitarian Studies



Guide to Preparing for Humanitarian Studies

Building a Path to Academic Success

While there is no single academic path we expect all students to follow, we want to help you make choices that will lead you to a successful college career.

In this section, you will find information about selecting high school courses that best prepare you for liberal arts colleges with high academic demands, such as Harvard, as well as tips for deciding whether you should take time off before attending college. You may also want to review information about what we look for during the admissions process.

A well-rounded education

A good high school education should do more than prepare you for the next level of education or for later employment—it should prepare you to take advantage of future learning opportunities of all kinds. You should gain particular skills and information, as well as a broad perspective on the world and its possibilities.

By taking the most academically demanding courses you can find, you can improve both your chance of admission to a selective college and your performance during the first years of college.

In developing the advice in this section, we have relied on empirical evidence, specifically, the secondary school preparation of our own students who have succeeded at Harvard. Because the content of courses may vary from high school to high school, we have tried to identify important knowledge, skills, or habits of thought, rather than naming specific courses.

Of course, we will take your individual situation into account. Just as each student has different talents and interests that need to be developed, schools vary considerably in their particular strengths. You may encounter unique circumstances, such as resource limitations or the opportunity to learn from a great teacher.

Choosing high school courses

We hope you will read our thoughts about choosing high school courses that will provide a strong base for a liberal arts education. But in summary, we recommend:

  • The study of English for four years: close and extensive reading of the classics of the world’s literature
  • Four years of a single foreign language
  • The study of history for at least two years, and preferably three years: American history, European history, and one additional advanced history course
  • The study of mathematics for four years
  • The study of science for four years: physics, chemistry, and biology, and preferably one of these at an advanced level
  • Frequent practice in the writing of expository prose

Various important secondary school subjects, such as art and music, are not specifically mentioned in our recommendations. The omission of these subjects should not be interpreted as a value judgment. We are concerned only with secondary school subjects for which we have data that suggest they are specific prerequisites for college work.

What Harvard Looks For

While we believe that the conclusions summarized on this page will meet the expectations of many other selective colleges, let us say a word about Harvard, since it was here that the data underlying our conclusions were gathered.

This overview is not intended to provide a formula that will ensure admission to Harvard. Our admissions policies are based on many criteria. Some are academic; others are not.

Our Admissions Office chooses carefully from a broad range of applicants who seem to us to offer the most promise for future contributions to society. Not all of the students who are best prepared for college will be among those with the most future promise, nor are all of the most promising well prepared academically.

While the heart of the matter will always lie in academic promise, we prize candidates with special talents and with outstanding personal qualities; we are interested in students who excel in one or more extracurricular activities; and we seek a distinctive and diverse national and international student body.

Most of all we look for students who make the most of their opportunities and the resources available to them, and who are likely to continue to do so throughout their lives.

We believe that you should prepare for college by mastering certain subjects and skills. You can demonstrate your proficiency in these subjects by taking Advanced Placement tests and International Baccalaureate tests and submitting the scores, if you wish. 

Online Guides and Resources

There are many college application and financial aid resources available to high school students online. We encourage you to review our application tips, try our Net Price Calculator, and utilize whichever additional resources you find most useful. Here are a few organizations and resources you may wish to review:

Related Guides


As a Harvard student, you have access to several different advising resources – all here to support your intellectual, personal, and social growth.

Application Tips

Not sure how to fill out the admissions application to Harvard? Here are some helpful tips from our admissions committee.

Guide to Student Employment

Finding a rewarding and fulfilling student job at Harvard is simple, and the Harvard Student Employment Office (SEO) is here to help.

Helpful Links
